Elementary Environment

Elementary Environment:

Elementary classroom usually has mixed-age 6-12 year old children. Age appropriate lessons are presented to small groups of children, who are then free to follow up with independent work of their own as interest and personal responsibility dictate.

Montessori educators give interdisciplinary lessons in subjects like biology ,history, Math, Languages, Science, Arts, Social etc. Student carry out explorations of resources outside the classroom which are integral to education. It help children realize the human role in the interdependent functioning of the universe.

Montessori schools are more flexible than traditional schools. In traditional schools, the students sit at tables or desks to do their work. At a Montessori school, the child gets to decide where they would like to work whether that is at a table or on the floor. It is about them going where they feel most comfortable. Anything a child would need during their learning experience is placed on a shelf that the student can easily get to. This promotes not only their learning, but also their independence because they do not need to ask for help as much.

Montessori classrooms have an age range so that the younger students can look up to the older students and the older students can help the younger students as needed. It gives all age groups a chance to learn from one another.

At Blooming Buds Montessori, we have carefully curated a rich collection of Montessori materials that support children's exploration and understanding of concepts. Our classrooms are arranged to foster independence and create an organized yet inviting atmosphere. The materials are age-appropriate and hands-on, promoting cognitive development, fine and gross motor skills, and concentration.

Enrollment age for Elementary: 6 to 7 years

Primary environment consists of 3 trained adults, 1 assistant and 1 helper.

Language enrichment

We at Blooming Buds are proudly unique in a way and we teach following 4 different languages right from primary environment, having the distinction of only Montessori school in Hyderabad to offer Urdu in Montessori.

  1. English

  2. Urdu

  3. Hindi

  4. Telegu